

News archive from the activities of our office.


Consumer Class Actions - A Novelty in the Czech Legal System

As of 1 July 2024, the long-awaited and discussed Act on Civil Class Proceedings and related amendments to other regulations, in particular the Code of Civil Procedure, came into force. The new legislation is based on the EU Directive on …

Consumer Class Actions - A Novelty in the Czech Legal System


As of 1 July 2024, the long-awaited and discussed Act on Civil Class Proceedings and related amendments to other regulations, in particular the Code of Civil Procedure, came into force. The new legislation is based on the EU Directive on …

EU's new General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR)


The EU’s new General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR), effective from 13th of December 2024, introduces a comprehensive legal framework for consumer product safety. It mandates enhanced due diligence from businesses, particularly …

Chambers have again ranked Mackrell International as a Global Leading Law Firm Network for 2024


Mackrell International (MI) has secured its eleventh consecutive ranking as a leading global network in the Chambers Directory, a premier legal industry directory.

The Chambers Global Guide ranks the top lawyers, law firms and law firm …

2023 EMEA Regional Meeting


Our lawyers attended a Mackrell International regional meeting hosted by Codex Advokater. The conference was held in Vejle, Denmark. The meeting program covered topics related to sustainability in business and a new take on leadership …

Introducing an Effective Whistleblowing Solution


In light of the recent regulation changes concerning whistleblowing we have developed a new software system called Revelto. This system has been designed to assist employers in achieving full compliance with Act No. 171/2023 Coll., on the …

MKA Nosko and PFD Lawyers from Canada represented a client in an acquisition of a Montreal-based AI company


We are pleased to announce that MKA Nosko together with PFD Lawyers from Canada have advised one of our clients with the acquisition of a Montreal-based AI company. This acquisition will allow the client to fulfil its goal of operating and …

Chambers ranked Mackrell International as a Global Leading Law Firm Network


MKA Nosko is part of the Mackrell International network since the spring of 2021, and it has been a fruitful two years. We are thus delighted to announce that Chambers have ranked Mackrell International as a Global Leading Law Firm Network …

Decision of on CJEU on article 15 of GDPR


In the first half of January this year, the Court of Justice of the European Union published its decision (C-154/21 Österreichische Post) on certain aspects of article 15 of GDPR. The Court clarifies how specific is the obligation of the …

Digital Services Act published


The Digital Services Act was published in the Official Journal of the European Union. The aim of the adopted regulation is to ensure the proper functioning of the single market in relation to the provision of digital services within the …

Data Governance Act


The European Parliament and the Council recently enacted the first of European Data Strategy related legislations. Namely, the European Data Governance Act, also known under the abbreviation DGA. DGA regulation presents four main topics. …

New E-book – How to Buy a Real Estate in the Czech Republic


We have prepared a new legal guide to buying real estate in the Czech Republic. It contains a concise summary of the necessary steps leading to safe and successful acquisition of real estate. The guide is therefore focused on contractual …

Button labelled ‘order with obligation to pay’ - CJEU decision (C‑249/21)


In case of a distance contract concluded by electronic means, just how literal does the text on a button or similar function used to conclude contract has to be to bind a consumer?

In its recent decision (C‑249/21) the Court focused on the …

Bundesverband E-Commerce und Versandhandel Deutschland e.V. (bevh) seminar


Our lawyers Josef Aujezdsky and Jiri Moravec have attended as panellists seminar held by Bundesverband E-Commerce und Versandhandel Deutschland e.V. (bevh) in cooperation with Asociace pro elektronickou komerci (APEK), which was aimed at …

Software development and licensing in the Czech Republic (e-book)


We have published a new summary about the contractual relations relating to the development of software in the Czech Republic. As its name suggests, the core issue is the contractual regulation of software development in various situations. …

Regulation on European Crowdfunding Service Providers


Crowdfunding on European level is going through changes. As of Nov. 10, 2021 regulation on European crowdfunding service providers for business has come into effect. Already established providers of crowdfunding platform can enjoy 1 year …

EU Commission's proposal for the Directive on Consumer credit


EU Commission’s proposal for the Directive on Consumer credit has finally came to light and certain changes are worthy of mentioning.

In example, under the current proposal the directive shall apply even to small loans below 200 EUR, …

MKA NOSKO joins Mackrell International


We are pleased to announce that MKA Nosko has joined global legal network Mackrell International. We are looking forward to expanding our professional reach as Mackrell International joins about 4 500 lawyers in over 60 countries.

Darina Cabadajová becomes new partner of Nosko & Partners in Bratislava


We are pleased to announce that as of June 1, 2021 Darina Cabadajová has become a new partner of Nosko & Partners, in Bratislava. Congratulations and all the best from the rest of the Czech team here at MKA Nosko.

NOSKO & Partners among the best rated law firms in Slovakia


During the selection for the prestigious award Law Firm of the Year, our Slovakian colleagues NOSKO & Partners s.r.o. have been selected among highly recommended law firms in the area of criminal law, restructuring, and insolvency. …

Legal Services for Property Brokers


We have introduced a new micro-page dedicated to legal services we provide to real estate brokers. Its contents are short summary of our legal services, description of the collaboration process, and the price calculation process.

Trademark Registration


We have launched a new micro-page dedicated to trademark registration. Its content is focused mainly on Czech national trademarks and EU trademarks. We have also included a frequently asked questions section about the trademark registration …

DSA (Digital Services Act) a DMA (Digital Markets Act)


The European Commission published drafts of new regulation which might form the future shape of the internet. While DMA (Digital Markets Act) is aimed strictly at internet giants, DSA (Digital Services Act) shall regulate common internet …

Mašek, Kočí, Aujezdský is joining forces with the Slovak law firm Nosko & Partners


Prague law firm Mašek, Kočí, Aujezdský – entered into a partnership with law firm Nosko & Partners located in Bratislava, Slovakia. The firm will trade under the name MKA Nosko. Through the partnership, MKA Nosko strives …

Directive on Representative Actions


Political discussion on European class actions has reached an agreement. The proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on representative actions for the protection of the collective interests of consumers, and …

Livesport TV’s acquisition of Kinobox


Masek, Koci, Aujezdsky led Livesport TV’s acquisition of Kinobox from famous film-maker Petr Vachler. Kinobox had been founded as a movie magazine of the Czech Television in the ’90s and later transformed to web magazine that is …

New Rules for Online Service Providers


EU Regulation 2019/1150 on promoting fairness and transparency for business users of online intermediation services, adopted by the European Parliament and the Council, will come into direct effect in July 2020 and will bring some …

EU “Modernisation Directive” adopted


Directive (EU) 2019/2161 on the better enforcement and modernisation of Union consumer protection rules was adopted on 27 November 2019. The directive amends four existing directives, i.e. the unfair commercial practices directive …

Changes for Online Retailers in CZ


In May 2019 the EU adopted a legislative package comprising a directive on contracts for the supply of digital content and services (Digital content directive) and a directive on contracts the sales of goods (Sales of goods directive). The …

Regulation on Unjustified Geo-Blocking


New article regarding Regulation (EU) 2018/302 on addressing unjustified geo-blocking and other forms of discrimination was published on our website. The Regulation addresses access to online interface of an e-shop, prohibition of different …

Masek, Koci, Aujezdsky Advises on Acquisition of Tapito


Partner Josef Aujezdsky of Masek, Koci, Aujezdsky lead the team that advised Livesport on its acquisition of Tapito from former owner Bolt Start Up Development a.s. Tapito is a tech start-up that operates an application that aggregates …

MKA Advises on Acquisition of Pragosport


Masek, Koci, Aujezdsky advised Livesport on its acquisition of Pragosport. Pragosport specializes in the acquisition of and dissemination of media rights, including TV rights, internet rights, mobile rights, streaming rights, and rights to …

MKA Advised Livesport on its Acquisition of a Significant Stake in Liftago


Partners Josef Aujezdsky and Ondej Bahnik of Masek, Koci, and Aujezdsky led Livesport’s acquisition of 15 shareholders’ stakes in Liftago. The team further organized a subscription of newly-issued shares in connection with the increase of …